Sustainable alternatives to stuff we live with
At one time I was using a lot of foam core sheets in my art practice building sculptures and installations. After learning that foam core is actually very toxic, I decided to conduct research into a sustainable alternative. I reached out to the director of a local USDA research group who generously shared a bio-based recipe with me. I then experimented with the raw ingredients, comparing different starches, paper pulps, and drying methods. The process involved using large amounts of pure alcohol to evaporate the moisture quickly, allowing the foam structure to dry without collapsing. Results varied, but overall I was able to make a respectable homemade version, something I'd call, cottage-foam-core.
Polarity Convergence
For my MFA thesis I built a laboratory where I documented my experiments, both real and imagined. I created videos using stop-motion animation that “captured” the work of a fictional citizen scientist, furiously laboring to prevent climate change in their spare time. Pseudo glaciers were observed melting, ice floes dispersing, and materials both hot and cold were toyed with by anonymized, objective hands. I realize now that this fictional character is indeed me, a concerned person trying desperately to do what I can to usher in a post-fossil future. The lesson for me is that we all can and should do something, even if it is beyond our current area of expertise.